I was mesmerized by this burrito-making process🌯

I was mesmerized by this burrito-making process at the farmer's market today 🌯

(To be fair... I didn't have much else to do while I was waiting for them to make my burrito)

Their system for making burritos was SIMPLE! EFFECIENT! FAST!

  1. burrito order placed with the cashier.

  2. cashier writes down the order + name on a piece of paper and passes it to the chef.

  3. with a very organized station, the chef makes the order licketly split.

  4. Order + paper with name is passed to the packer.

  5. Packer packs the order and calls the name.

The genius was in its simplicity.

However, I know that they didn't start with this process. I know it took time to figure out.

Now that they had it down so well, all three were in a state of flow with each other and the burritos.

(That's why the burrito tasted so goooood)

Unless you also run a burrito stand, you might need a more complex system for your business.

When you hire me to design and build your systems, you and our team will find themselves in their own burrito-level state of FLOW.

👉 I will build you an SOP library so you spend less time answering questions for your team and more time doing what you do best 

(things like client work, biz dev, hanging out with your dog, etc)

👉 I will take that jumble of fantastic stuff out of your beautiful head and turn it into a project template your team can use whenever you start a new project with a client or launch a new event. 

(This means everyone gets straight to work instead of trying to remember how you started last time)

👉 I will create a fantastic automated onboarding experience for your team and your clients so everyone knows exactly what to do and when and gets what they need when needed.

(The win / win is that you offer more to your people with less work on your end)

Hop on a call with me today to get started: https://client.devinlee.com/public/appointment-scheduler/650c53dc93aa03c15ef206f9/schedule


👩‍🍳don't know how to cook?


Mother's Wackiest Systems